Instructors may use this guide to share links or resources for specific classes with their students. Listings will be sorted by subject, instructor's name, then course number.
A digital video series featuring important events and people who shaped the African American experience in the united States. Episodes were written and narrated by renowned Historian Henry Louis Gates to be both engaging and accurate.
This is the portal for one of the premier scholarly organizations for the preservation, study and promotion of information about Black life, history and culture. The platform includes access to the organizations publications and video resources.
An interactive slide show of African Americans killed by police, including their names, images, and circumstances of death. Published by Al Jazeera in 2020.
Compiled by Khaleda Rahman, Senior Reporter of Newsweek, and published by Newsweek on May 25,2021. The author provides as comprehensive a list as possible, including names, locations, and ages where available.
HIS 2213 and HIS 2223, American US History I & II, Instructor: Ashley Walker
Oyez is a multimedia archive devoted to making an understanding of the Supreme Court of the United States accessible to everyone. It is managed by the Chicago-Kent College of Law and Cornell's Legal Information Institute.
This law and legal reference library provides free access to thousands of articles covering important court cases, including related historical documents.
The Supreme Court Historical Society Promotes increased awareness of the court's importance to our Constitutional Heritage. The site includes document collections and other educational resources.
Famous Trials. A Compilation of information about some of history's most significant legal trials. Sponsored by the UMKC School of Law and established by Professor Douglas O. Linder in 1995.