Scooba Library 662-476-5054
Maggie Morgan
Lillie Thornton
Antranika Ruffin
Golden Triangle Library 662-243-1914
Lisa Justis
Rosemary Rice
Dustin White
ProQuest Research Companion includes a section that explains plagiarism and what to do to keep from having problems with it. It also includes a "Citation Builder" tool that will help you create proper citations for your sources.
Most databases that require you to login do provide citations for you. You might have to look around to find them, but they are there. In most EBSCO databases the citations are on the right side of the screen. You will need to click on the "Cite" button for the citation to appear. In NBC Learn, the citation button is under the video. Once you select the "Citation" button, the citation is created. Then you can copy and paste it into your citation page.
HOWEVER, we recommend that you check the citation against one of the citation guides provided on the website.
Some classes offer this online tutoring option in CANVAS.
Here is how to access it. First, you have to login to your canvas account and select a class. Next, look at the left side of the page and Net tutor should be one of the options in the class.
NetTutor offers tutoring services in a variety of subjects.
NOT ALL CLASSES INCLUDE THIS LINK IN CANVAS. Before panicking, please check if any of your other classes offer it. You should be able to access all information and tutor help from any class that offers it.
#1. If you have never used our services before, please make an account USING YOUR SCHOOL EMAIL. This takes just a few seconds. Choose the time and day you would like to receive feedback.
#2. Decide which service you want. Your options will appear on the home screen at (Links to an external site.). The preferred methods involve having real-time meetings with your tutor at your chosen time.
*When using the asynchronous version (the non-live version), you will receive your feedback within a couple of hours of the appointment time you created. When you receive your essays back from the tutors, there will be feedback and comments on your actual document.
*Please know that if you submit a paper after 3:00 PM, you will receive feedback before noon the next day. We do not have nighttime / evening hours.
The Writing Center is offering our same days of service, our same times, and our same wonderful consultants Ms. Berry and Ms. Sanders.