"Faculty Select" is a tool produced by EBSCO to help instructors find materials to incorporate materials that are either free or already held by EMCC libraries for your classes.
Most eBooks have limits on the number of people who can use it at one time, how many pages can be downloaded, etc., making them unsuitable for use as a class textbook. Publishers call this "Digital Rights Management" or DRM. If we do not have an unrestricted license for a book you would like to adopt as a text, the library will happily try to acquire it for you.
To use "Faculty Select" Copy and paste the link below into your browser search bar.
* If there are any problems, contact EMCC's IT Student Support at 662.243.1939 or helpdesk@eastms.edu
Canvas information came from Tufts University
All Canvas account holders (instructors / staff / students) can embed a YouTube video into any Canvas text box (Announcements / Pages / Syllabus / Assignments / Discussions / Quizzes).
This displays the YouTube Search panel.
This displays the YouTube search results for your query.
This embeds the video and returns the display to the Canvas text box.
This saves the text box with the embedded video.
Note: The example above is a Canvas Pages text box. YouTube videos can be embedded into any Canvas text box (Announcements / Pages / Syllabus / Assignments / Discussions / Quizzes).